A Year Later — 2016 Goals
While not being much for New Years Resolutions (though I do love fireworks) last year I shared some professional goals. I even advocated accountability. I figure I should share how I did.
Professional Goals
- Read one technical book a month: I think I read about 6? We had a fun little reading group that lasted until summer.
- Blog at least once a week: I was doing well until June. I have an excuse, but I’ll share that another time.
- Learn a System Programming Language: Push? I spent a lot of time with Go and like it, but I never built anything. Not sure that counts.
Personal Goals
- Read 12 Cooking Books: I didn’t read 12. I read two (1 & 2) but both were great. I cook a lot more and I’m happier for it.
- Complete C25k: Push. I hate running. Still hate running. But I got a bike and I love that. Maybe more successful than not.
- Get a dog: No push. His name is Kilo. He’s a pain but he’s mine, so I love him. He gets me.
Not great. Not terrible… but not great. I accomplished a lot of what I was hoping for. I learned a ton, both expanding things I already knew and things I had no idea about. I’m healthier and I have a pretty awesome dog. Overall I’d count 2015 a win!
2016 Goals
I’m keeping it simpler, focusing on creating habits. These are things I want to do every day:
- Chess: I’m not great at chess but I’d like to get better. Playing seems the best way.
- Code: Pleasure or professional, either way. Since the first it’s been a lot of hacking on Brian Warehime’s excellent Threat_Note.
- Cook: Cooking has been good for me and I want to keep it up. Blue Apron has been helpful (not to mention tasty).
- Exercise: Biking or walking the dog.
- Read: Pleasure or professional, either way (again!).
- Write: Blog or another project but the more I write the better.
These goals for 2016 are a lot more flexible. They’re all things I do but not yet the habits I’d like them to be. I’ve been using the Momentum app to keep track and I find it’s a great balance. In the 10 days since I started I’ve written and coded for 10 days in a row, played chess for 9, read and exercised for 3, and cooking has been the hardest with 2 days.
If you’re interested in suggesting things to read, write, cook, code or want to play some chess let me know. Now I’m going to go check off my writing for today!
Originally published at sroberts.github.io on January 14, 2016.